Entries must be submitted by a beekeeper and be pure unadulterated honey produced by his or her bees. We do not accept honey from commercial buyers or packers.
Contestant may enter more than one variety of honey, but must fill out an entry form and pay an entry fee for each separate Black Jar entry.
Pay $15.00 fee
Entry fees may be paid online (after submitting entry form) or mailed along with honey shipment.
Submit three (3) pounds of honey in ONE of the following ways:
Ship three (3) one pound jars (1 lb.=.46Kg, 3lb.=1.37Kg).
One (1) jar MUST NOT have any labels or markings, and two (2) jars must have the beekeeper’s label.
Ship three (3) pounds in a nonbreakable container (Three pounds is approximately (1)U.S. quart or European liter by volume) and our organization will transfer the honey into three (3) one pound Queenline jars. YOU MUST include two (2) labels for us to apply to two jars. Labels should be no more than 2.5” x 3” (63mm x 76mm).
Ship to:
Center for Honeybee Research
22 Cedar Hill Rd.
Asheville, NC 28806
5. Honey shipments MUST BE postmarked by March 1, 2025.